Virtual Activation Circles
Collective Grid and Light Work: As you participate, you also receive the codes.

Codes of Avalon | Golden Timeline Series
The capstone of our Golden Timeline Series. Golden Avalon brings about the codes of magic. In this circle, the transmission will plant the seeds of understanding of the energetic world and the knowledge of how to shape and direct energy. The ancient civilisations such as the Atlantean, Mayans, and ancient Egyptians had access to this. As our collective consciousness rises, it is time for us to remember.

Codes of Lemuria | Golden Timeline Series
The Lemurian Golden Timeline is the core template of the New Earth; balanced feminine and masculine energies, harmony with Nature, infinite resources, love, abundance, unity. In this circle, we will be downloading and anchoring in the templates of Golden Lemuria.

System Recalibration | 4 Part Series
Our values and beliefs drive our understanding and perception of reality. It is the operating system, the software that runs the hardware (our physical vessel). If you are reading this, you are most likely NOT one of the “average” humans. You are like the Mac OS trying to run on a Windows computer (3D Earth). Your perception of reality seems “wrong” and “too extreme”. Please believe me when I say your values and beliefs are NOT faulty. Your original Divine Soul Template operates at a much higher frequency and you are here to shift paradigms.

Fire Circle | Elemental Series
Fire purifies what water cannot. Fire destroys and transforms. Fire represents the passion, power, and strength within you. Fire represents the light within you. You came here to light up the world, one divine spark at a time. This is your activation. Are you ready?

Codes of the Water | Elemental Series
Water is the carrier of Earth’s codes. The way our ancestors used to live, knowledge, teachings, magic, secrets of the ancient times. It is all held in water and in our bodies. As the sound vibrations of remembrance resonate through water and through your being, you remember. We’re being called to come together to reprogram our planet’s water for the future, in love and in light.

Purification Circle
Harnessing the power of the full moon and violet flame to release all that is no longer in alignment with our highest truth.

Codes of Atlantis | Golden Timeline Series
The Atlantean golden timeline is ready to be accessed and downloaded. In this circle, we will be coming together to open the portal to Golden Atlantis. Each of our unique frequency will play an important role in this. The time has come to download and merge the codes of Golden Atlantis into the New World.

3.3 Infinity Portal Circle
A portal to the infinite field. The infinite field of creation. De-condition our programming of time, collapse timelines, weave timelines, and more.

Galactic Dragon Gathering
This month, we gather together with the Galactic Dragons who wish to take us on a sacred journey of remembrance. As we come together, our unique frequencies will call upon the Galactic Dragon tribe as they come to activate our personal dragons and complete some planetary grid work with them.

Pleiadian Recalibration | Preparing for the shift into the New Earth
The Pleiadian Light Council is here to provide us with 4 levels of recalibration to the physical, energetic, etheric, and celestial body to prepare for our shift into the New Earth.

Jan 2024 Galactic Gathering with Jamie & Akil
This is our monthly gathering and support group where the Galactic Council of Light will be providing activations, guidance, and support to integrate the upgrades and energies we are integrating individually and as a collective.

Codes of Shambhala | Golden Timeline Series
We will be opening the portal to the Golden Age of Shambhala. Our unique vibrational signature as a group will unlock specific information ready to be downloaded and remembered by specific people - the Shambhala Light Warriors.

8.8 Lions Gate Activation Circle
A series of powerful transmissions to activate your unique soul codes and mission, receive energetic alignments and upgrades, ignite your dormant gifts, and quantum leaps.
Banner image by @distilled_future