Our values and beliefs drive our understanding and perception of reality.

It is the operating system, the software that runs the hardware (our physical vessel).

This operating system is our Divine Soul Blueprint/Template.

In the earliest stages of our lives, we are by and large running on our highest and purest Divine Soul Template

However, as we go about our human experiences we begin to subconsciously download (take on) certain programs (beliefs and values) from the outside world in order to make sense of life and integrate into the human world.

My guides, the Council of Five, drew the parallels of this experience to the downloading of programs off the internet and getting a virus that takes over and glitches the original operating system.

If you are reading this, you are most likely NOT one of the “average” humans.

Your original Divine Soul Template operates at a MUCH MUCH HIGHER FREQUENCY than most of the people here on Earth. And when I say “much higher”, I mean very very very high.

You are meant to create a paradigm shift simply with presence.

So, the 3D templates of reality are probably not going to resonate with you.

It’s like trying to run a Mac OS on a Windows computer, it’s not going to work; but it doesn’t mean that it’s faulty, it simply means that it is incompatible. If you run a Mac OS on a Macbook, it’s going to run PERFECTLY!

You are like the Mac OS trying to run on a Windows computer (3D Earth).  Your perception of reality seems “wrong” and “extreme” to many and you find it hard to “fit in”.

PLEASE, believe me when I say your values and beliefs are NOT faulty. You are NOT wrong. You DO NOT need to compromise because you are meant to create the change.

This is not for the “average” humans. 

You are supported and I have been guided to channel these high frequency recalibrations for you on a deep soul level.


Part 1 - General system scan and reboot

Part 2 - Overhaul false templates around money and abundance

Part 3 - Overhaul false templates around relationships and love (self and others)

Part 4 - Downloading and stabilising new earth templates

Recordings now available. This work transcends time and space. You are seeing this exactly when you are ready to move through this.

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Pleiadian Recalibration | 4 Part System