Fire purifies what water cannot.

Fire destroys and transforms.

Fire represents the passion, power, and strength within you.

Fire represents the light within you.

Due to its destructive nature, it’s our natural reaction to avoid working with the spirit of Fire.

You’re being invited to sit with your fears. What is this fear about?

The fear of destruction? The fear of disrupting the “stability”? The fear of change?

Destruction is part of the transformation.

Transformation is NOT just about love and light. It is about the deep work that often comes with pain and discomfort.

We cannot seek only the light without acknowledging that darkness exists. We cannot rise above and be the light that is grounded and stable if we have not travelled deep down (within) and met the deepest darkest parts of ourselves.

Fear not, for life is filled with changes and transformations. This is how we grow, this is how we ascend.

You did not come here to stay in your comfort zone. It is time to set all that is not in alignment with your truest essence on fire; cleanse, purify, and make space for the light within you to shine through!

You came here to light up the world, one divine spark at a time.

This is your activation. Are you ready?

Fire Circle | Elemental Series
One time

Direct and lifetime access to the recording of the Fire Circle

Water Circle | Elemental Series
One time

Direct and lifetime access to the Water Circle recording

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A co-creation between Amber and Jamie.

This is part of the Elemental Series. The elements of nature are the original inhabitants of Earth. We are being called to acknowledge and respect their presence wherever we go and in whatever we do. A sacred relationship to be forged. You can choose to take part in all of the sessions, or choose which elements you’re being called to work with.

  • As an intuitive channel and Hybrid Starseed, my mission is to activate and awaken the Divine Soul Templates of other fellow Hybrids. In so doing, guiding them to remember who they truly are, their Galactic Mission and Gifts that will assist in the collective ascension of humanity into the New World.

    My work revolves around Light Language Technology and the Akashic Records. Through powerful visual, auditory, and sensory experiences, my transmissions activate your divine, original, truest and purest templates of being; adjusting, realigning, and recalibrating your light body.

    I work primarily with a group of beings from the Council of Light who refers to themselves as the Council of Five, holding the highest frequencies of the Pleiadians. They guide me in anchoring in and stabilising the New Earth codes while remembering the ancient practices and technologies so as to combine them and birth a new paradigm shift.

    May we remember who we truly are.

  • Amber is a Galactic Hybrid Starseed on a profound mission to ground some of the purest vibrational frequencies to help the Galactic Collective ascend, and to stabilize Mother Gaia during turbulent Galactic Shifts.

    As a highly sensitive psychic and empath, Amber accurately senses and reflects the deepest truths within individuals and guides them to cut through the noise and anchor into their Divine Truth. 

    An embodiment of Divine Love, Divine Beauty, Divine Truth. A Teacher, Healer, Yogi, Student, and Human.


Codes of Golden Shambhala | Golden Age Series


Water Circle | Elemental Series