The Space Between 👽🛸

Your High Frequency Membership and Star Family Reunion

For less than a cup of coffee a day

If you can buy a coffee a day, you can invest this same amount into your Remembrance.

Because why wouldn’t you prioritise that?

Monthly Transmissions

1x pre-recorded light language activation and channelled reading every month.

Library of Tools

Growing library of high quality Light Language audio transmissions & tools to support you in your journey of remembrance.

Monthly Group Calls

Live transmissions, QnA, Catchup, etc. Check date and time for this month’s call.

Telegram Group Chat

Community of soul family so you never feel alone in your journey.

Upcoming Group Call

  • 24 October 2024 | 8pm Singapore Time (GMT +8)

From my heart to yours

I hope this is your companion wherever you are and whatever you’re doing

You’re no longer alone in your journey. You never were. This separation is an illusion.

This is our reunion.

Paused Till Further Notice


  • Yes you can cancel anytime, or upgrade/downgrade.

    If you choosing to change your plan, please note to cancel your previous plan first before signing up to the new one you desire. Otherwise, you might be charged twice.

    Apologies for the inconvenience, this is a system limitation.

    To cancel your membership, follow instructions here.

  • Follow instructions here.

  • No, they don't. The Activation Circles are specific themes that I have been and will be guided to transmit when the time comes. Currently, they do not have a fixed frequency of monthly sessions and are energetically speaking to different groups of people. You might fall into the group that a specific session speaks to, or not, and that will determine whether you should sign up to that activation circle or not. Essentially, it's collective grid work. As you receive the transmission, you are also doing the grid and light work.